Horse First Aid Kits & Information
Having a basic first aid kit available for equine emergencies empowers owners to act immediately until veterinary assistance arrives. Below are suggested items to purchase. If you would like, EVA would be happy to assist you in constructing a horse first aid kit specific to your needs and budget so contact us today.
Items for Basic First Aid Kit
Thermometer and case
Inexpensive stethoscope
Small Betadine scrub
Small Biozide ointment
Sterile 4 x 4 pads
Telfa pads
Brown gauze #2
Legroll #2
Vetrap #1
Elasticon #2
Saline eye wash/wound flush
Triple antibiotic eye ointment (*Requires veterinary authorization)
Bute paste (*Requires veterinary authorization)
Banamine paste (*Requires veterinary authorization)
Also Consider:
Acepromazine injectable (*Requires veterinary authorization and the ability to give injections)
Banamine injectable (*Requires veterinary authorization and the ability to give injections)
Dexamethasone injectable (*Requires veterinary authorization and the ability to give injections)
Needles and syringes